Theatre Arts & Performance Studies


The Department offers a concentration in Theatre Arts and Performance Studies. Concentrators chose one of the tracks to study within the concentration.




If your interest lies in acting and directing - consider the Theatre Arts track. For the broad spectrum of  live art, including design, production, dramaturgy and writing for performance - consider the Performance Studies track. For dance or performance-based live art, including design and production, consider the Dance track.

Theatre Arts track combines the study of dramatic literature, theatre history, performance theory, and studio work.
The Performance Studies track offers a base for students interested in a variety of performance forms, performance media, or in intermedia art.
The Dance track of the Theatre Arts and Performance Studies concentration engages students in the study of dance, movement and other forms of kinesthetic performance.

Course Requirements

Each track has a requirement of ten (10) courses to fulfill the concentration and culminates with the capstone project in the senior year.

Concentration Not Required

As a student, you can be involved in the Department of Theatre Arts and Performance Studies whether you become a concentrator or simply take a single course. Please see our Undergraduate Handbook for more detailed information.

Concentration Advisors

If you have further questions and wish to meet with someone in the department to discuss the program in greater detail, please contact the TAPS Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS), Kym Moore. You are advised to make contact well in advance of your preferred date to discuss logistics. For more information refer to the Undergraduate Handbook.