Michelle Clayton
A native of Dublin, Ireland, Professor Clayton studied Modern Languages (Spanish & German) at Oxford University, then moved to the US, where she received her PhD in Romance Languages and Literatures from Princeton University in 2003. She taught Latin American and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Los Angeles, from 2002 until 2012, when she joined Brown as Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies and Comparative Literature. Her research and teaching interests include modern poetry; avant-garde aesthetics; contemporary literature; dance; art history; media studies; and film, from the earliest silents to present-day productions. She offers courses on modern and contemporary Latin American literature and the visual and performing arts; on modernism and the international avant-gardes; and on interdisciplinary exchanges spanning writing, performance, and the plastic arts. She is an editor for the Flashpoints series at Northwestern University Press, which publishes cutting edge transnational literary scholarship, and is a regular reviewer for journals, presses, and institutes in the fields of comparative literature, Latin American studies, and dance.