New York Times
Dances With Robots, and Other Tales From the Outer Limits
TAPS Lecturer, Sydney Skybetter featured in a piece from the New York Times:
Dances with Robots, and Other Tales from the Outer Limits - Artificial intelligence and dance may seem like strange bedfellows, but artists and engineers are using technology to expand the possible.
Excerpt: At the forefront of this growing field is Sydney Skybetter, a former dancer and a professor of what he calls choreographics at Brown University, where his students approach dance in a way that is heavily computational — like using machine learning to create ghostly digital avatars that dance along with live performers.
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Dances with Robots, and Other Tales from the Outer Limits - Artificial intelligence and dance may seem like strange bedfellows, but artists and engineers are using technology to expand the possible.
Excerpt: At the forefront of this growing field is Sydney Skybetter, a former dancer and a professor of what he calls choreographics at Brown University, where his students approach dance in a way that is heavily computational — like using machine learning to create ghostly digital avatars that dance along with live performers.