- Professor Rebecca Schneider was awarded the Oscar G. Brockett Essay Prize for her essay "That the Past May Yet Have Another Future: Gesture in the Times of Hands Up," (Theatre Journal Vol. 70, No. 3, September 2018)
- PhD alum Michelle Liu Carriger, Assistant Professor of Critical Studies in the School of Theater, Film and Television at UCLA, received the Gerard Kahan Scholars Prize for Best Essay by a Newer Scholar in Theatre Studies for “No ‘Thing to Wear’: A Brief History of Kimono and Inappropriation from Japonisme to Kimono Protests” (Theatre Research International Vol. 43, no. 2, July 2018)
- PhD alum Christian DuComb, Associate Professor of Theater at Colgate University, was awarded Honorable Mention for the Errol Hill Award for outstanding scholarship in African American theater, drama, and performance studies for his book Haunted City: Three Centuries of Racial Impersonation in Philadelphia (University of Michigan Press, 2017)
- Current PhD candidate Suzahn Ebrahimian won the Thomas Marshall Graduate Student Award.
Congratulations to all of this year's awardees!