Ioana Jucan has been awarded a prestigious Thomas Marshall Graduate Student Award from the American Society for Theatre Research. Each year the American Society for Theatre Research awards three grants of $800 each in honor of the late Thomas F. Marshall, a distinguished theatre scholar and founder of ASTR, who took particular interest in the encouragement and support of promising students in the field of theatre research. The purpose of the grants is to encourage students to become active members of the Society by helping them to meet the expenses of attending the ASTR annual meeting in November.
Patrick McKelvey, a PhD student in the department, has been awarded the 2015 Wise-Susman Prize of the American Studies Association (ASA) for his paper, Disemploying Prosthetics. This prize goes to the best paper to be presented by a graduate student at the annual meeting of the ASA.
Graduate Student, Michelle Castaneda, has been awarded a Benson Latin American Studies and Collections Research Fellowships through Center for Mexican American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. This award will enable her to conduct research at the LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections in the fields of Mexican American and Borderlands Studies.
The Theatre Library Association announced Department of Theatre Arts & Performance Studies PhD program alum, Dr. Paige McGinley, a finalist for the 2014 George Freedley Memorial Award for an exemplary work in the field of live theatre or performance. McGinley was nominated for her book, Staging the Blues: From Tent Shows to Tourism, published by Duke University Press.